Sunday, 20 July 2008

Craft Room Table

I have just been reminded that I have not posted a picture of my new table in my craft room. So here it is as well as a picture of my cupboard all nicely sorted and things stacked away:

Happy crafter signing off ...


nuttylee said...

I like the table, fits in nicely...and the keyrings are so very cute.

By the way, you should update your profile thingy, we have aged since u wrote that... ;)

Love u lots,


Anonymous said...

Well done, Cool table. maybe we can all get together and have an afternoon or morning or night or whatever of scrapping!!!! Make the arrangements......

and dont be so rude to me next time!!!!

From you big fan

Desire Fourie said...

I have to bow my head in embarrassment seeing your seriously organised scrap pantry. But then I would not have expected anything less from you. And that scrap table and chairs just look so inviting. Can't blame your 'big fan' anxiously waiting for a scrap invite ... so please don't be so rude her/him next time.

Tracy said...

Wow - love the table ....

By the way, how many punches can any one girl have?

Oh I envy you your organised shelves ....

Love, Tracy